Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waiting for the domino's to start

It's been three weeks since the birth center has seen any births. We have 3 women who have reached their due date and a handful who are due in a couple of days. Guesses as to who would start the domino effect took place in clinic this past week. Knowing that several women have a chance of going into labor this weekend in particular makes me a little nervous. Next week at school we have two major exams, one in A & P, and the other in Micro. I'm not so worried about A & P as I have an A in the class and I know I can drop my lowest exam, but the same does not hold true for Micro. According to the grades of our last exam, only two people in the class passed, and they only passed by one point! I was not one of them. I failed by 3 points. Studying this weekend is of absolute necessity!! I could, however, be slammed with births and not have much time for studying. What's a student to do? I feel that I can't keep up sometimes. My children need my attention, my husband needs my attention, my school work needs my attention, and my house needs my attention. And, oh, how my house needs my attention. Every week when I come home from being gone three or four days, depending on the week, my house looks like a bomb went off! I swear all the cleaning and picking up stops the moment I leave the house. Something needs to be done! As of this weekend, I am officially not doing a ton of house work when I come home. The rest of the family needs to figure out how to help keep the house up. It is not fair, and yes I know that life is not fair, that I have to come home and clean for two days. I have things to do. I have things I'd like to do with my kids. I would like to take a little time to relax. How then am I supposed to do it all? Especially with the crazy schedule that is approaching with woman after woman due? I keep telling myself it's only 2 1/2 more years. I can do anything for 2 1/2 years. Just know that this journal may be filled with the ranting and raving thoughts of this student midwife!

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